Perisher’s new 6 seater chairlift

I was lucky enough to be taken on a tour of the current build site of the brand new state of the art 6 seater chairlift on Mt.Perisher. Once completed this will be the highest lifted point in Australia at 2042m (5m higher than the current Karels lift at Thredbo).

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Hotham reveals plans for new progression focused freestyle and terrain park zone

Hotham is excited to share plans for the 2025 snow season, which will see the Big D terrain evolve into a dedicated progression focused freestyle and terrain park to include a huge variety of jump and rail lines, a permanent mogul course and a mini boarder x course. It will also become home to night freestyle events, with night skiing and boarding also remaining at the Big D.

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From snow forecaster to artist, see the other side of Pete ‘The Frog’ Taylor

His early mornings are spent looking at weather charts and data before publishing his daily weather forecasts for the Australian snow resorts. But away from that you can find Pete ‘The Frog’ Taylor using his artistic talents to paint original modern geometric abstracts on canvas from his home studio.

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Anticipation levels high for Season 2022. Where are we headed?

It is that time again when we look towards the new snow season, one that will hopefully be a much more normal one than what we have seen for the past two seasons. Covid has seen the last two years interrupted with lockdowns and complete resort closures. Australia’s Premier long range snow forecaster Pete ‘The Frog’ Taylor has a look at what the early part of Season 2022 has install for us.

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June 10th, 2021 Snowfall Gallery

Snow continued falling yesterday in the resorts, heaviest falls in the north where Perisher, Thredbo and Charlotte Pass picked up another 50-60cm, Falls Creek around 17cm, Hotham a bit less and unfortunately it warmed up in the south and Mt Buller and Baw Baw had their new snow washed away by rain.

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June 9th 2021 Snowfall Photo Gallery

Snow started to fall yesterday in the resorts but today looks like being the day of the heaviest falls in the north and unfortunately a bit wet later in the south. We will add to this gallery as the day progresses and hopefully show images from not just in and around the resorts but also of snow reaching areas that don’t often see snow.

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