Could this be the next big dump?

By Pete Taylor
Snow Forecastor & Owner
Published on: Jun 28, 2018 @ 20:33
We had the season starter and then cold nights for snowmaking. now we get some light snowfalls over the coming week or so, but what next? Will there be another dump? and if so when will it be?
I like the look of a system with a few fronts due to arrive around the 15th of July, and there is potential it could bring a nice fall across a few days. It’s well positioned between a two high pressure systems and looks like it will have a nice cold blast or air feeding from the south west.
Of course this is a fair way away and with the weather things can change but it’s been looking good for a few days now which is a good sign. I expect the charts to ebb and flow with this system over the next week or so but then build as it nears us. Keep an eye on the long range forecast for daily updates on this and any other possible snow bearing systems.
Why is Tasmania not included in this ? We do ski at Ben Lomond too !
It’s a matter of lack of time really. I will try to keep an eye out for any possible Tassie dumps.
Love reading your reports Pete, part of skiing for me for years now.